Southwell RUFC Vice Presidents

Vice Presidents

At the present time SRUFC has around 65 Vice Presidents, mostly former players who wish to maintain their long standing association with the club.

There are two categories of VP membership:

  • Members who pay their subscriptions on an annual basis
  • Life members who have paid a one-off subscription

The current annual subscription is £40 and the minimum contribution for Life Membership is £160 (any amount over that figure qualifies as a Gift Aid donation which allows the club to get a 25% tax reclaim from HMRC).

Vice Presidents are full voting members of the club and get a personal membership card which provides a 10% discount off drinks purchased from the bar. VP’s social events usually take the form of pre-match lunches held before home league games on four to five occasions during the course of the season, which also include some form of fund-raising for the club.

VPs also get the opportunity to apply for tickets for England international matches at Twickenham for both the Autumn International and Six Nations games.

Finally, regular email newsletters providing information about what is happening at the club are circulated to a 150 strong list of VP’s and supporters, both at home and overseas.


To join as a VP, pay an annual subscription, have your email address added to the VPs email newsletter list or to make a general enquiry – Jack Berridge M: 07967 307345 or email

To book for a VP’s lunch – Conrad Hunt M: 07970 162273 or email